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Suggested Itinerary
Day 01-02 : Delhi
Day 03-04 : Varanasi
Day 05 : Khajuraho
Day 06-07 : Orchha
Day 08 : Gwalior
Day 09 : Agra
Day 10-11 : Jaipur
Day 12-13 : Seengh Sagar
Day 14-15 : Udaipur
Day 16 : Mumbai
Day 17 : Mumbai Out
The above itinerary is fully flexible to accommodate your personal preferences & schedule. We would be happy to customize it to suit your needs.
Classical India – 15 NIGHTS/16 DAYS

Destinations Covered-Delhi-Varanasi-Khajuraho-Orchha-Gwalior-Agra-Jaipur-Deogarh-Udaipur-Mumbai.
Recommended Period - Regular High Peak
New Delhi, the capital city of India is a perfect fusion of the ancient and the modern. Standing along the West End of Gangetic Plain unwinds a picture amusing with rich culture, architecture and human diversity reflective in history, monuments, museums, galleries, gardens. Comprising of two contrasting yet harmonious parts, narrating the city's Mughal past, Old Delhi, takes you through the tangled streets passing through formidable mosques, monuments and forts. You will also discover lively and colorful bazaars that boast to cater all sorts of good and items amidst a barely controlled chaotic ambience. The imperial city of New Delhi displays the finely curved architecture of British Raj. It generates a mesmerizing charm reflecting well-composed and spacious streets under the shade of beautifully lined avenues of trees and tall and imposing government buildings.
Standing on the western bank of India's holiest river Ganges, Varanasi (also known Banaras and Kashi) is the oldest surviving city of the world. It is the most important Hindu pilgrimage. Its history stretches back into the mists of time. It has been a center of learning for over 2,000 years. At Sarnath, just 10 Km away, Lord Buddha preached his first message of enlightenment 2,500 years ago.
The relationship between the river and the city is the essence of Varanasi. Along the water's edge are bathing and burning Ghats, where devout Hindus come to bath in the sacred waters and the departed are cremated on pyres of sandalwood. The most sacred Ghat is Manikarnika, associated with the Goddess Parvati. In the heart of the city is the majestic Vishveswara Temple, dedicated to Shiva, the Lord of the Universe, who according to legend, after his marriage to Devi Parvati, left his Himalayan abode and came to reside in Kashi with all the gods in attendance.
In the temple architecture of India, the Khajuraho complex remains unique. One thousand years ago, under the generous and artistic patronage of the Chandela Rajput kings of Central India, whose dynasty survived for five generations before falling to the onslaught of Islam. . There were around 85 temples and almost all of them date from one century-long burst of creative genius between 950 to 1050 AD. Each temple has a large number of spires in ascending order representing man's aspirations towards goals. Of the original 85, only 22 have survived the ravages of time; these remain as a collective paean to life, to joy and to creativity; to the ultimate fusion of man with his creator.
Orchha was founded in the 16th century by the Bundela Rajput chieftain, Rudra Pratap, who chose this stretch of land along the Betwa river as an ideal site for his capital. Of the succeeding rulers, the most notable was Raja Bir Singh Ju Deo who built the exquisite Jehangir Mahal, a tiered palace crowned by graceful chhatris. From here the view of soaring temple spires and cenotaphs is spectacular.
Gwalior makes the perfect entry point from the north into the state of Madhya Pradesh. multitude of reigning dynasties, of the great Rajput clans of the Pratiharas, Kacchwahas and Tomars have left indelible etchings of their rule in this city of palaces, temples and monuments. Gwalior, where a rich cultural tradition has been interwoven into the fabric of modern life. Where a princely past lives on in great palaces and their museums. Where a multitude of images merge and mix to present to the visitor a city of enduring greatness.
A sprawling town Agra was established in 1475 by Badal Singh and came into limelight during the rule of Afghan King Sikandar Lodhi - who had made it the capital of his empire. Later in 1526 A.D., the Mughal Emperor Babar took upon himself the task for rendering Agra, a unique character and beauty of its own. The visionary that he was and a great patron of the arts, Emperor Babar brought in a change in the culture and life-style among the people of Agra, which then brought forth some of the finest craftsmen, artists, statesmen, warriors and nobility, this part of India had ever witnessed. The next few hundred years of Agra witnessed the rise of the pomp and pageantry of three great Mughal monarchs - Emperor Akbar, Jehangir and ShahJahan - all of whom lavished on this fabled city, their love and riches immeasurable to transform the land into one of the great centers of art, culture, learning and commerce.
Jaipur, the state capital of Rajasthan founded by the Maharaja Jai Singh II In 1727, when he decided to move from his hillside fortress at Amber to the plains. It is also known as the "Pink City", derived from the pink painted sandstone from which the buildings in the old walled city are constructed.
The city is divided in nine rectangular blocks, and each block has wide and straight avenues, roads, streets & lanes, with rows of big and varied shops on both sides. This planned city presents great architectural elegance and beauty, historic and magnificent Palaces, Temples, Gardens, museums etc.
Seeng Sagar (Deogarh)
As soon as you glimpse the Deogarh Mahal, you can see that its rulers must have been serious players in the Mewar aristocracy, their magnificent fort a fitting stronghold for one of its sixteen “umraos” - the most senior feudal barons attending on the Maharana of Udaipur At its most extensive, their territory comprised some 210 villages, with one of their defensive forts as far as 100 km away.
After much anticipation the illustrious Deogarh family have finished converting one of their forts into an exceptionally luxurious villa, and created the magical ‘Fort Seeghh Sagar’. This island fortress is truly awe-inspiring; sitting in the middle of a lake (monsoon dependent but currently surrounded by water) it can only be reached by boat (monsoon dependent, otherwise by dirt road) or by a small bridge and is set amidst a dramatic rocky landscape. Just 5 km from Deogarh Mahal and close to the ruins of the deserted village of Manpura, there are wonderful places to explore and excellent rural walking and bird watching to be done.
Udaipur, the 'City of lakes” and also known as Venice of the East, is interspersed with shimmering lakes, marble palaces and fountains and is often referred to as the most romantic city in India. It was built in traditional Rajput style in 1559 A.D. by Maharana Udai Singh and was originally the capital of the State of Mewar. It's beautiful lake setting, graceful architecture, bustling bazaars and historical past make Udaipur rather special. Succeeding Maharanas added several palaces and structures to the complex retained a surprising uniformity to the design. Udaipur is also the centre for performing arts, craft and its famed miniature paintings
Mumbai (formerley Bombay), the gateway to India in the days of the British Raj, is today India's commercial capital. The city dates back to around the first century AD, when the area consisted of seven islands separated by the sea. In 1661 the Portuguese presented the port and islands of Bombay to the British, and in 1668 the East India Company leased all of the islands from the British Government. for £10.00 in gold per year.
On independence in 1947 the Bombay presidency became Bombay state, and subsequently Bombay became the state capital of Maharashtra. Besides being the major port Mumbai is the most cosmopolitan, fastest moving, affluent and industrialized city in India. It is India's financial, commercial and industrial centre, and the centre of the film industry (Bollywood).
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